Etudes européennes à Nantes Université

Academic Courses in European Studies

Undergraduate Degrees (BA level)

Since 2010/11, various European Studies undergraduate courses have been set up in order to offer students the possibility of acquiring a solid academic background in one field (Law, History, Italian, English or German) and to complete this background with a pluridisciplinary curriculum focusing on European issues.

In 3rd year, international mobility in cooperation with partner universities is required in order to enhance the European character of the experience.

Postgraduate Courses

Master’s in European and International Studies (Études européennes et internationales)
Master’s in Cultural Mediation, Expertise and Development (Médiation, expertise et valorisation culturelles)

PhD/Doctoral Studies

In relation to the various research centres working on European issues, students are encouraged to continue with a PhD in order to get good entry-level job positions in various fields related to Europe.

Mis à jour le 14 October 2022.